Vitamins and Deworming

Foundation for Development and Relief Africa – FIDRA works with Vitamin Angels to administer vitamin supplements and deworming medication. These interventions reduce the impact of common illnesses in young children.

It only takes two doses of vitamin A per year to combat the harmful effects of vitamin A deficiency. When a child lacks this nutrient during the early stages of development, they can get sick, experience stunted growth, go blind, and even die. Vitamin A strengthens immune systems, which help to fight off life-threatening illnesses for children in our communities who may lack access to the right kinds of foods.

Children in our communities also receive deworming medicine to combat parasitic worms that can lead to malnutrition. Deworming children allows them to absorb the essential nutrients and stay healthy. Any child infected by worms is at risk of malnutrition, even though symptoms aren’t always visible. For more about Vitamin Angels and Partnership visit

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